It has always struck me that, for an island which for much of its history has held such a strategically important position on the world trade map, there are precious few castles on Tenerife, save for those that plop out of buckets and have flags stuck in them until the tide comes and washes them away[…]
When you decide to do a feature on Tenerife’s top ten museums, you have to ask yourself two questions: Firstly, are there actually 10 museums in Tenerife and secondly, who cares?
What were they thinking of, over 100 complex scientific exhibits and school children were clambering on them, twiddling buttons, playing at astronauts and generally wreaking havoc. Was it the end…
You would think that nature would show some respect to a building that celebrates its history in Tenerife, but the half repaired paths, fencing and busy workman show that’s not…
I was finally able to explore the tantalisingly lovely building that has been under restoration and off-limits for many years and that yesterday was finally opened to the public. Including a permanent exhibition to Chinyero’s eruption, it was a tardy but timely finish to the project[…]
In looks terms, the Egyptian pyramids are George Clooney, whereas GüÃmar’s are Woody Allen ““ not particularly stunning to look at but fascinating nonetheless […]