
Why it’s so damn expensive to play golf in Tenerife in winter

What’s it like to play all winter in a temperature of around 70 degrees every day with very little rain? It’s damn hard”¦ but someone has to do it.

Playing golf in Tenerife in winter can be a bit bloody expensive though. It’s a time when all those North European golfers take over our courses as most of theirs are closed. Having said that, because of the economic crisis, there are still some good deals about”¦ if you can be bothered to find them. For example, at the moment you can still get a round with a buggy for around 100 Euros per couple.

One of the main reasons for golf being so expensive here is because the courses have to pay for water. Without water you have no courses. As it’s illegal to use fresh water on the courses, the water is recycled from hotels and offices and piped down from Santa Cruz, some 60 kilometres away. Golf Del Sur uses a 1,000 cubic meters of water per day, seven days a week in the summer, slightly less in winter. That’s a lot of water. So bear that in mind next time you grumble about the cost of golf in Tenerife.

If you want to find a way to play for less, I”M involved in a small local golf society called the Peanuts Golf Society, a friendly bunch who welcome visitors for five Euros, which includes supper, plus a reduced green fee.

We play every Thursday and have around 60 to 70 members all trying hard to win a famous Peanuts Tee shirt. See for more details.

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