Most of visitors choose an airplane to get to their holiday destination. Quick, safe and easy way to travel. It is comfortable and accessible from pretty much any point of the world. But what if you had more time?


Having more time today, sounds like mission impossible. We are all caught in our daily routines, tiring jobs that majority aren’t happy about. We get stressed and annoyed for not getting holiday on our preferred dates, for not getting enough of days and all we do is rush and stress. But what if?

What if you could, or perhaps you do already have enough of time to travel differently? Without rushing to the airport, jumping on the plane, rushing to the hotel and only then enjoying your destination. Life isn’t about the destination, result or final point. Life is about the journey.

Here is how you can enjoy your journey getting to Tenerife.

If you like driving, jump on your car and drive to South Spain, Huelva or Cadiz. From there you will catch a ferry which will take you to Canary Islands. Wherever you are driving from make sure to book ferry tickets early, as it only operates once a week.

There are plenty of cheap hotels to stay for a night, make sure you do so, it’s not about rushing to your destination, it is about enjoying the journey remember?

It also is a great way to travel with pets. This way your best friends stay with you. Whether it’s a dog, cat or a parrot, ferries allow pets for a very small charge, and you can visit them at allocated times. It is much cheaper than flying your pet on a plane.

When you reach the ferry, it’s time to relax. Whether you choose Naviera Armas or Trasmediterranea, you will find cafes, bars, entertainment and possibly a swimming pool to spend time for the next two days.

Enjoy the journey, love life.